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Who are the antagonists to the globalist elite? PM)Liberty Sea Wrote:  Questions: Since there is supposedly a New World Order of which China and Iran are not a part, then: Why does the Obama administration deal with China so incompetently and allow China to profit tremendously off the US?

China is a part of the NWO, has always been so. Mao has been groomed for power in a Yale school by Skull and Bones handlers (Mao- The Untold Story, by Chang & Halliday).

His inner circle handlers (Sidney Shapiro, Israel Epstein, Sidney Rittenberg, Rewi Alley, Chen Bidi) were NWO operatives who were the equivalents of the Koch brothers or Armand Hammer in the Soviet Union. China had autonomy because its regime was very efficient at destroying its great cultural heritage, doing to China in a couple of decades what was taking generations to do in the West. It was a breaking ground for Year Zero- type experimental social engineering that even managed to exceed the Soviet model. Only Pol Pot managed to go deeper into communist dystopia."After his visit to China in 1.

Cultural Revolution," David Rockefeller said: "One is impressed immediately by the sense of national harmony.. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in history."http: //henrymakow. The- Histor.. ELNsg. The- Histor.. na%2. Quote: Why did Obama accept the Iran Nuclear Deal which is hugely disadvantageous for the US and which may pose an existential threat for Israel? Iran is not an existential threat for Israel, it is only a regional rival. And it serves an important purpose for Israel, as a divide and conquer tool and counterweight to its Sunni Arab enemies.

Israel has managed to destroy Iraq and Syria using US funds and blood by leveraging Iran- led Shiites as a counterweight, going back to the Iran- Iraq war in the 1. Back then, the Shah was replaced because Iran was on the verge of becoming a great regional modern secular power under him. The Shah was starting to outgrow his initial role as a colonial puppet (just like Saddam, Gadhafi and Assad eventually also did decades later). Thus Khomeini was put in power by the US/UK. Iran's central bank might be outside the global system, but Iran's backwards theocratic regime has been serving a more important purpose of feeding a dialectic regional conflict and of stunting Iran's potential. Quote: How do we explain the anti- Israel, pro- Palestine activism on some part of the Left?

Two words: controlled opposition. The left (NPR/PBS, BBC, the Guardian the Nation, Chomsky, Amy Goodman/Democracy Now..) are all controlled opposition. Of course I'm not even going to go into outlets like MSNBC, CNN or Huff. Po that even many leftists know are mainstream corporate tools, but few of those actually realize that Chomsky or Goodman also are gatekeepers. Gilad Atzmon is your man here, LS, on the subversion of the pro- Palestinian cause by the Jewish left: http: //www.