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Psychic Dreams that Come True. Have you had psychic dreams that come true?
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If you’ve had any psychic dreams and any part of them have come true please let us know in the comments section below this post. Psychic dreams usually involve precognition or the ability to see events happen before they occur.
This is a phenomenon that many have reported occurring. Watch Dog Tags Mediafire on this page. We now have over 1,0. In the video above a gentleman tells of his experience of dreaming about a train crash and then learning that one occurred while he was having the dream. Watch Vamps Online Earnthenecklace here. He also speaks about the interconnectedness of all those on the underlying spiritual level and how we can tap into that, especially in the dream state.
Chris in the psychic dream video also has a very nice life philosophy and is well worth watching. I was just on another psychic site reading through an entire collection of interesting stories from those who have reported psychic dreams that come true. Some of them are mundane, for instance, a child dreaming that she would receive a shirt, and then getting one from her mother the next day. In another a person dreamed of a plane crashing in the woods and the next day the crash took place.
Speaking of plane crashes I remember reading of a famous (or infamous) plane crash I think it was in San Diego, in which an individual had foreseen the crash in a psychic dream and tried to contact the airport to tell them, but was not taken seriously. What is the source of psychic dreams? Who knows? One explanation I’ve heard is that people with psychic dreams are able to psychically look at a projected time line from the dream state and see events that are projected to occur on that timeline.
One interesting thing I noted when looking over some of the stories of those who have reported psychic dreams that come true on a regular basis is that when they do have what they consider to be a psychic dream and then talk about them to others then the dream doesn’t always play out or come true like when they keep silent. Don’t know if it is a real pattern or not. One way to track any psychic dreams is to keep a dream journal. I did that for a couple of years when I was learning lucid dreaming.
I got fairly proficient at lucid dreaming, or knowing I was dreaming and trying to control the dreams but never did recall any psychic dreams. If you’ve had any psychic dreams that came true please let us know in the comments section below.
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